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Human Anatomy I 2016/2017
Programma di Human Anatomy Mod. 2:
Locomotor Apparatus(first half): Introduction to the systematic study on the locomotor apparatus will be a discussion of the anatomical terminology: section types, terms of location and terms of movement. We will also describe the major topographic and functional subdivisions of the human body and surface anatomy. OSTEOLOGY : Morphology of the human skeleton: the axial skeleton, the exo and endocranium, the skeleton of the appendages. ARTHROLOGY: General information on joints, types of movements, joint dynamics. Joints of the skull, spine, chest, upper limb and lower limb. Myology : Shape and action of skeletal muscle; vertebral muscles of the neck and trunk, muscles of the chest, abdomen, muscles of upper and lower limbs. NOTE : skeletal muscles of the splanchnocranium, of the pelvic and urogenital diaphragm are only partially covered by the program of Human Anatomy I, but they will be treated in more detail with the cardiovascular system, microscopic anatomy and splanchnology in the second half of Human Anatomy
Cardiovascular apparatus, organs and microscopic anatomy (second half):General organization of the vascular and lymphatic system. Pericardium, heart and vessels of the torax and abdomen. Spleen. Main arteries and veins of the head, neck and limbs.
All organs listed below will be studied at the macroscopic and microscopic level, including relations with neighbouring structures and organs, their vascularization and innervation. Oral Cavity, teeth, tongue, mucles of the mouth and of the face, salivary glands. Nasal cavities and panasal sinuses. Muscles of the neck (cervical, superficial and lateral muscles). Pharynx and Larynx. Trachea, brochi, lungs and pleura. The mediatinum. Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity: lesser sac and peritoneal recesses. Gastrointestinal tract: esophagous, stomach, small and large intestine, rectum. Muscles of the abdomen and of the pelvis. Liver and pancreas. Urinary tract: kidney, ureter, bladder and uretra. Male and female reproductive system. Endocrine system: Hypopphisis, tyroid and parathyroid glands, endocrine pancreas, adrenal gland, gonads.
Gray’s Anatomy (latest edition) Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.
ATLAS: Atlas of Human Anatomy, Frank H. Netter (latest edition) Elsevier.
Exam Method:
Oral exam, eventual practical tests.