Programma di Lingua Inglese 2 B:


Programma a.a. 2012-2013



Lingua Inglese 2: Modulo B -English Semantics


(Semestre II): (Modulo - Prof. Ponterotto) English Semantics


The course studies some topics in English semantics: componential analysis, semantic relations, compounding, idiomaticity, gender etc. The course pays specific attention to the question of figurative language, with particular emphasis on Conceptual Metaphor Theory, including reflections on the cross-cultural/cross-linguistic differences between English and Italian. The lectures include empirical and textual analyses and applications related to the figurative level of language. The course also aims at an in-depth knowledge and appropriate use of vocabulary. Assignments include reading of contemprary texts (novels, newspapers, internet texts etc.)



Reading List


Linguistic theory


1. Kövesces, Zoltán. 1990. Metaphor: a practical introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(Chapters:  1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14)


2. Ponterotto,  Diane (2003 [2000]). The Cohesive role of cognitive metaphor in discourse and conversation. In: Barcelona A. Metaphor and Metonymy at the crossroads: a cognitive perspective. (pp. 283-298). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Series: Topics in English Linguistics, 30).

3. Koller Veronika  2003. Metaphor Clusters, metaphor chains: Analyzing the multifunctionality of metaphor in text.  05/2003

4.. Semino, Elena. 2002. A sturdy baby or a derailed train: metaphorical representation of the euro in British and Italian newspapers. Text 22 (1): 107-139.


Communicative Competence


1. Achoice of one novel from the following:


Chevalier, Tracy. 2006. The Virgin Blue. New York: Harper

F. Scott  Fitzgerald  2007 [1925] The Great Gatsby  (Penguin Popular Classics)

Shreve, Anita. 1999. The Pilot’s Wife. London: Abacus.

Wharton, Edith. 2012 [1921]. The Old Maid. Dover  Press


2. Achoice of 10 articles from the British newspaper  The Guardian



Evaluation  format (Modalità dell’esame):


The evaluation format for the second semester, based on the Reading List and class materials, is oral and will be conducted in English. The oral examination includes the evaluation of oral communication skills: reading, pronunciation, accuracy, fluency and especially breadth and appropriatness of vocabulary


(L’esame relativa al secondo semestre(English Semantics and Conceptual Metaphor Theory)è orale e si svolge in lingua inglese. La valutazione include anche la verifica della competenza comunicativa: lettura ad alta voce, pronuncia, correttezza morfosintattica, e sopratutto ricchezza e appropriatezza del lessico.)



NB. For the development of practical language competence, the course includes practice sessions conducted by the CEL (collaboratori ed esperti linguistici); schedules, programmes and coursebooks are listed in the specific file (lettorato/LINFO/inglese/secondo anno). Students in the course programme LINFO (Lingue nella Società dell’Informazione) are required to pass a written examination (“Scritto di Lingua Inglese”) at the end of each academic year.