Navigazione di Sezione:
Lingua Inglese 2 2011/2012
Programma dei Moduli del Corso:
SSD - L-LIN/12 (Lingue e traduzione-lingua inglese)
a.a. 2011-2012
Topics in English Semantics and Pragmatics
(CFU 6crediti)
I semestre (Modulo A): Topics in English Semantics
After a presentation of basic premises in the language sciences, the course focuses on some basic topics in English semantics and pragmatics. In the first semester, the course is dedicated to semantics. It pays specific attention to the question of figurative language, with particular emphasis on problems concerning conceptual metaphor theory and the cross-cultural/cross-linguistic differences between English and Italian. In the second semester, the course discusses meaning in text and context, introducing problems related to specialized discourse.The course also aims at an advanced level of comunicative competence and especially in-depth knowledge and appropriate use of vocabulary. Assignments include reading of novels and contemprary texts (novels, newspapers, internet texts etc.)
Modalità dell’esame:
L’esame consiste in una prova orale che si svolge in lingua inglese. L’esame include anche una valutazione della qualità generale della competenza comunicativa a in llingua inglese: lettura ad alta voce, pronuncia, correttezza morfosintattica, e sopratutto ricchezza e appropriatezza del lessico.
Testi per l’esame
Parte generale
1. Yule, George. 2010. The Study of Language . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Parte monografica
2. Kövesces, Zoltán. 1990. Metaphor: a practical introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(Chapters: 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,14)
3. Lorenzetti Maria Ivana., " 'That girl is hot, her dress is so cool, and I'm just chilling out now': Emergent metaphorical usages of temperature terms in English and Italian" in Corpus-Based Approaches to Figurative Language. A Corpus Linguistics 2009 Colloquium. Colloquium Companion (eds. J. Barnden; M. Lee; J. Littlemore; R. Moon; G. Philip; A. Wallington) School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham , Proceedings of "Corpus Linguistics 2009" Liverpool, UK , 20-23 July 2009, pp. 103-113 .
Communicative competence
4. Uno a scelta fra i seguenti romanzi
F. Scott Fitzgerald 2007 [1925] The Great Gatsby (Penguin Popular Classics)(Paperback)
Shreve, Anita. 1995. Resistance. London: Abacus.
5. 10 articoli a scelta tratti dal giornale britannico The Times.
Lingua Inglese 2 B | Docente: Diane Maria Ponterotto
SSD - L-LIN/12 (Lingue e traduzione-lingua inglese)
a.a. 2011-2012
Topics in English Semantics and Pragmatics
II semestre (Modulo B): Topics in English Pragmatics
CFU 6 crediti)
In the second semester, the course discusses meaning in text and context, introducing problems related to specialized discourse.The course also aims at an advanced level of comunicative competence and especially in-depth knowledge and appropriate use of vocabulary. Assignments include reading of novels and contemprary texts (novels, newspapers, internet texts etc.)
Modalità dell’esame:
L’esame consiste in una prova orale che si svolge in lingua inglese. L’esame include anche una valutazione della qualità generale della competenza comunicativa a in llingua inglese: lettura ad alta voce, pronuncia, correttezza morfosintattica, e sopratutto ricchezza e appropriatezza del lessico.
Testi per l’esame
1. McCarthy, Michael. 1991. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
2. Fowler, Roger. 1991. Language in the News: discourse and Ideology in the press. London: Routledge. (Chapters: 1, 2,6,7,8)
3. Semino, Elena. 2002. A sturdy baby or a derailed train: metaphorical representation of the euro in British and Italian newspapers. Text 22 (1): 107-139.
4.. Ponterotto, Diane 2008. Words Against Women: the discourse of gender violence. Rome: Aracne (Chapters 1 and 4)
Communicative Competence
5. 10 articoli a scelta tratti dal giornale americano The New York Times