Navigazione di Sezione:
Ingegneria Del Software II 2024/2025
Programma di Ingegneria Del Software II:
- Introduzione al corso, ai progetti, alla valutaizone etc.
- Software Testing – Intro and General Concepts
- Measuring metrics in Git/JIRA
- Software Testing - Test Automation e Continuos Testing
- SZZ- Proportion and Snoring
- "Software Testing – Maven, GitHub and CI Frameworks: Set-up
- and Configurations"
- Milestone 2: Building the dataset
- Software Testing - Domain Partitioning for Test Generation - Part 1
- The promises and perils of mining GitHub
- Introduction to ML: terminology
- Software Testing - Domain Partitioning for Test Generation - Part 2
- Function Points
- Software Testing – Unit and Integration Testing: Concepts
- Using the WEKA GUI
- "Accuracy Metrics & Comparing classifiers accuracy + Ven
- Software Testing – Unit and Integration Testing: MVN plugins
- Milestone 3: Using the WEKA API
- Software Testing - Adequacy of the Tests: Control Flow Coverage Criteria and frameworks (Sonar, Jacoco, or possible alternatives as Cobertura or EMMA)
- Feature Selection
- Software Testing - Adequacy of the Tests: Data Flow Coverage Criteria and frameworks (BA-DUA)
- Sampling
- Cost sensitive classifier
- "Milestone 4: On the combined effect of sampling and feature selection techniques on classifiers accuracy"
- Metriche, Misure e GQM+
- Software Testing - Adequacy of the Tests: Mutation
- Decision making techniques
- "Software Testing - Adequacy of the Tests: Mutation Testing
- Framework (PIT or muJava, the first one is integrated with Maven)"
- Cost estimation + planning poker
- Applications of ML to SE