Programma di Fundamentals Of Telecommunications:

1     INTRODUCTION                                                                                             7

1.1     TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES                          9

1.2     Internet                                                                                                      12

1.3     Ideal transmission of a signal                                                              12

1.3.1     Definition of signal in strict sense                                                    12

1.3.2     Ideal transmission                                                                                 12

2     SIGNALS IN TIME DOMAIN                                                                       15

2.1     GENERALITIES ON SIGNALS                                                                 17

2.1.1     Complex notation                                                                                   17

2.1.2     Basic operations and faithful signals                                              18

2.2     Classification of signals                                                                       19

2.2.1     Time continuous and time discrete signals                                      19

2.2.2     Deterministic signals and random signals                                       19

2.3     TIME CONTINUOUS SIGNALS                                                               21

2.3.1     Continuous signals                                                                                 21

2.3.2     Signals with discontinuities                                                                21

2.3.3     Signal duration                                                                                       23

2.3.4     Factorization of time continous signals                                          26

2.3.5     Ideal Dirac pulse                                                                                    28

2.3.6     Energy and power of time continuous signals                                29

2.4     DISCRETE TIME SIGNALS                                                                      30

2.4.1     General case and sequences                                                                 30

2.4.2     Sequence lenght                                                                                     32

2.4.3     Energy and power of sequences                                                          33

2.5     AFFINITY BETWEEN SIGNALS                                                             33

2.5.1     Affinity between energy signals                                                        33

2.5.2     Affinity between power signals                                                         39

2.5.3     Affinity between energy and power signals                                   40

2.5.4     Affinity between sequences                                                                41

3     REPRESENTATION OF SIGNALS                                                             43

3.1     REPRESENTATION OF SIGNALS IN TIME SERIES                          45

3.1.1     Fourier series of periodic signals                                                      45

3.1.2     Representation in series of orthogonal functions                      46

3.1.3     Fourier series of signals with limited duration                            48

3.1.4     Representation by means of samples interpolation                     50

3.2     Representation in the space of signals                                             51

3.2.1     Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization procedure                                52

3.3     REPRESENTATION OF TIME CONTINUOUS SIGNALS IN THE FREQUENCY DOMAIN                                                                                        53

3.3.1     Linear transformation of time continuous signals                      53

3.3.2     Fourier transform and its properties                                              54

3.3.3     Demonstrations of some properties of thr Fourier transform56

3.3.4     Relevant examples of Fourier transforms                                     58

3.3.5     Affinity between energy signals represented in the frequency domain60

3.3.6     Energy spectra                                                                                        61

3.3.7     Power spectra                                                                                         62

3.3.8     Spectral extension of real signals                                                    63

3.3.9     Discrete spectra of periodic signals                                                 66

3.4     SAMPLING THEOREM                                                                             68

3.4.1     Sampling in the ferquency domain                                                     68

3.4.2     Demonstration of the sampling theorem in the frequency domain68

3.4.3     Sampling in the time domain                                                                69


3.5.1     Representative complex signals                                                         70

3.5.2     Real representations through the complex envelope                 77

3.5.3     Representation of the complex envelope through samples       79

4     ELEMENTS ON SOURCE SIGNALS                                                           81

4.1     ANALOG OR DIGITAL SIGNALS                                                            83

4.2     ELEMENTS ON ANALOG SOURCE SIGNALS                                      83

4.2.1     Audio signals                                                                                           83

4.2.2     Image signals                                                                                            84

4.3     BASIC CONCEPTS ON DIGITAL SOURCE SIGNALS                         87

4.3.1     Synchronous data flows and digital sequences                            87

4.3.2     Source multilevel signals                                                                    88

4.3.3     Binary source signals                                                                            89

4.3.4     Synchronous and asynchronous signals                                          90

5     SIGNALS IN LINEAR BIPOLES AND QUADRUPOLES                        91

5.1     LINEAR TRANSFORMATION BETWEEN TIME CONTINUOUS SIGNALS                                                                                                                 93

5.1.1     Remarks on the electric nature of the signals                              94

5.2     LTI TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE BIPOLES                                      97

5.2.1     Reflected response in the time and frequency domains              97

5.2.2     Relation between reflection coefficient and impedence           99

5.2.3     Further details on the reflection coefficient                              99

5.3     LTI TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE QUADRUPOLES                     100

5.3.1     Responses in the time and frequency domains                              100

5.3.2     Diffusion parameters in LTI quadrupoles                                     101

5.3.3     Transfer in matching conditions                                                     103


5.4.1     Ideal quadrupole                                                                                 106

5.4.2     Perfect quadrupoles                                                                           107

6     FUNDAMENTALS OF TRANSMISSION                                                111

6.1     IDEAL TRANSMISSION                                                                         113

6.1.1     Conditions for the ideal transport of the information           113

6.1.2     Perfect transmission systems                                                           114

6.1.3     Perfect transmission means                                                              116

6.1.4     Perfect linear channels                                                                    118


6.2.1     Linear processing with no cut of the band                                   120

6.2.2     Examples of linear processing with no cut of the band            123

6.2.3     Elements on filters                                                                             125

6.2.4     Linear processing with cut of the band                                         127

6.3     PROCESSING OF STEP SIGNALS                                                        129

6.3.1     Reversibility of the processing on step signals                           129

6.3.2     Linear processing on step signals                                                    132

6.3.3     Non linear processing of step signals                                            136

6.3.4     Return of the step waveform                                                           137

6.3.5     Total processing with cut of the band                                          139

6.3.6     Total processing with reduction of the practical band           140

6.4     Multiplexing                                                                                           140

6.5     SHORT INTRODUCTION TO THE ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL CONVERSION                                                                                                     141


6.6.1     Coding with redundancy on the binary flows                              143

6.6.2     Encoding with modification of the cardinality                          146

6.7     INTRODUCTION TO HARMONIC MODULATION                         149

6.7.1     Introduction to the methods of harmonic modulation            149

6.7.2     Introduction on the modulation by product                               149

6.7.3     Introduction on the harmonic angle modulation                      151

7     ELEMENTS OF PROBABILITY, RANDOM VARIABLES AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES                                                                              153

7.1     ELEMENTS OF PROBABILITY                                                            155

7.1.1     Basic definitions                                                                                   155

7.1.2     Axiomatic theory of the probability                                              155

7.1.3     Conditional probability                                                                     156

7.1.4     Total probability and Bayes’ Theorem                                          156

7.1.5     Independence between events                                                          157

7.2     RANDOM VARIABLES                                                                          157

7.2.1     Distributions and density functions                                              157

7.2.2     Conditional distributions                                                                 158

7.2.3     Functions of random variable                                                          159

7.2.4     Moments                                                                                                 160

7.2.5     Characteristic function and moment generating function of a random variable                                                                                                 160

7.2.6     Examples of distribution and density functions                         161

7.2.7     Sequences                                                                                               164

7.2.8     Transformations                                                                                 164

7.2.9     Alternative Transformations                                                         164

7.2.10     Independence                                                                                      165

7.2.11     Mean, Variance And Covariance                                                    166

7.2.12     Conditional Densities                                                                       166

7.2.13     Characteristic Function                                                                 166

7.2.14     Complex Random Variables                                                             166


7.3.1     Generalities and definitions                                                             167

7.3.2     Density and distribution probability functions of a stochastic process                                                                                                                  167

7.3.3     Properties                                                                                              168

7.3.4     Moments and related properties                                                    168

7.3.5     Discrete time stochastic processes                                                 169

7.3.6     Stationary processes                                                                          169

7.3.7     Cyclostationary processes                                                                171

7.3.8     Ergodic processes                                                                                 171

7.3.9     Spectral theory                                                                                   172

7.3.10     Transformations of stochastic processes through systems  173

7.3.11     The Gaussian process                                                                        175

7.3.12     Random signals and their sources                                                175

7.3.13     Characterization of continuous processes                                177

7.3.14     Stationary continuous processes                                                  179

7.3.15     Cross correlation for stationary processes                             181

7.3.16     Process sum and complex process                                                  183

7.3.17     Real stationary dicrete processes                                                184

7.4     CYCLOSTATIONARY STOCHASTIC PROCESSES                          185

7.4.1     First and second order cyclostationary processes                    185

7.4.2     Processes represented by means of the complex envelope       186

7.4.3     Stationary process not in base band                                               188


7.5.1     Real processes with random factors                                              190

7.5.2     Sampled processes in base band                                                        192

7.5.3     Complex processes with random factors                                       194

7.5.4     Process sum of real processes with random factors                  195

7.6     GAUSSIAN CONTINUOUS PROCESSES                                            196

7.6.1     Gaussian continuous processes: the noise                                     196

7.6.2     Stationary gaussian noise not in base band                                  198

7.6.3     White gaussian noise in the signal space                                       199

7.7     MARKOV PROCESSES                                                                           201

7.7.1     Properties of the Markov processes                                               201

7.7.2     Time discrete Markov process                                                          201

7.7.3     Continuous time Markov processes                                                 205

8     IMPERFECT TRANSMISSION                                                                 207

8.1     INTRODUCTION                                                                                    209

8.2     IMPERFECT CONNECTION                                                                 209

8.2.1     Impairments in the electric connection                                        209

8.2.2     Additive unexpected effect in output                                            211

8.2.3     Imperfect transmission with linear time variant channel      213

8.2.4     Imperfect transmission with linear time invariant channel   214

8.2.5     Imperfect transmission with non linear channel                       217

8.3     Imperfect transmission with independent disturbs                 219

8.3.1     Independent (on the signal and among one another) disturbs              219

8.3.2     Reduction of the effects of independent disturbs                     221

8.3.3     System additive gaussian noise                                                         223

8.4     Spectral density and power analysis of a transmission system           223

8.4.1     Parameters of the single quadrupole and of the cascade (spectral density and power)                                                                         223

8.4.2     Power analysis of noisy quadrupoles                                             225

8.4.3     Sensitivity of the receiver                                                                229

9     BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ANALOGUE MODULATION AND DEMODULATION                                                                                              231

9.1     Modulation of harmonic signals                                                     233

9.1.1     General schemes of transmitters for modulated harmonic signals233

9.2     Harmonic modulation with analogue modulating signal       235

9.2.1     Amplitude modulations family                                                         235

9.2.2     Angle modulation: phase (PM) and frequency (FM)                   237

9.3     Performance analysis of harmonic modulation systems with analogue signals                                                                                               240

9.3.1     Performance of AM systems                                                              240

9.3.2     Signal-noise ratio for PM and FM systems                                    241

9.4     Carrier synchronization and Phased Locked Loop                    243

9.4.1     Carrier recovery track and hold                                                    243

9.4.2     Phase detection and VCO                                                                   246

9.4.3     Linearised phase control loop and dynamic response                246

10     TRANSMISSION MEANS                                                                       250

10.1     INTRODUCTION TO THE TRANSMISSION MEANS                   252

10.1.1     Metallic pairs                                                                                     252

10.1.2     Optical fibers                                                                                     253

10.1.3     Radio path                                                                                           254

10.2     INTRODUZIONE AI MEZZI TRASMISSIVI REALI                       255

10.3     MEZZI TRASMISSIVI METALLICI                                                   256

10.3.1     Struttura delle coppie metalliche                                              256

10.3.2     Grandezze caratteristiche delle coppie metalliche               257

10.3.3     Comportamento delle coppie metalliche                                    261

10.3.4     Mezzi trasmissivi con coppie simmetriche                                    264

10.3.5     Mezzi trasmissivi con coppie coassiali                                          267

10.4     MEZZI TRASMISSIVI OTTICI                                                           270

10.4.1     Struttura delle fibre ottiche                                                       270

10.4.2     Grandezze caratteristiche delle fibre ottiche                        271

10.4.3     Comportamento delle fibre ottiche a salto di indice              274

10.4.4     Mezzi trasmissivi con fibra ottica monomodo                            278