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Western Iconography And The Cult Of Saints Lm A 2021/2022
Programma di Western Iconography And The Cult Of Saints Lm A:
Il corso si propone di introdurre allo studio critico della letteratura agiografica latina in una prospettiva che mette in relazione i testi e le immagini.
The course provides a general overview on Latin Christian literature which concerns the saints (hagiography) from the late antiquity to 15th century, focusing on the interplays between narrative and figurative sources (iconography), and the relevant cultural and devotional milieu. Special attention will be due to the different types of saints and their images, exploring how written and oral topoi reflect on the figurative arts.
The second part of the course will be devoted to the analysis of specific iconographic themes.
Students will be required to write a research paper which will be discussed during the oral exam. The paper will focus on a saint as he/she is represented in medieval or modern art works and will analyze his/her iconography on a comparative basis.
For bibliography and further informations, please head to