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Electrical Network Analysis 2018/2019
Programma di Electrical Network Analysis:
Electrical quantities and SI units. Electrical energy and electrical power. Passive and active sign convention. Passive and active elements. Ideal voltage and current sources. Basic ideal electric components: resistance, inductance, capacitance. Models of real components. Ohm-s law. Series and Parallel connection of components. Topological circuital laws: Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) and Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL). Mesh Current Method, Node Voltage Method. Sinusoidal functions: average and RMS (Root Mean Square) values.
Sinusoidal steady state circuit analysis. Phasors. Impedance and admittance. Analysis of circuits in AC steady state. Electrical power in the time domain and in sinusoidal steady state: active power, reactive power, complex power. Power factor correction. Maximum power transfer in AC. Application of superposition theorem in circuit analysis. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems.
Frequency response: first order electrical filters. Resonance: series and parallel resonant circuits.
Mutual inductance and ideal transformer. Three-Phase systems. Introduction to the power distribution and transportation grid. Time response and transient analysis. The unit step function, unit impulse function, exponential function, first-order circuits. Laplace transform method, Laplace transform of some typical functions, initial-value and final-value theorems, partial-fractions expansions, analysis of circuits in the s-domain. Network functions and circuit stability.
Electrical measurement bridges. Introductions to the electrical safety and electricity distribution system: description and prospects. Basics of designing a power plant. Effects of electricity on the human body and relative protection systems. Introduction to electrical machines: Tranformer and DC motor.