Navigazione di Sezione:
Natural Language Processing 2017/2018
Programma di Natural Language Processing:
· Introduction to NLP and to the challenge of talking machines.
· The language: linguistic models and theories
· Linguistic models and systems.
- How to determine that a model is correct and a system is effective: inter-annotation agreement and statistical significance
- Morpholgy: Finite state automaton and transducers
- Syntactic analysis with context-free grammars
§ Parsing with context-free grammars
§ Feature Structures and Unification
§ Tree Adjoining Grammars
§ Modular and Lexicalized Parsing
§ Probabilistic context-free grammar
- Semantics
§ Symbolic Semantic Representation: WordNet and FrameNet
§ Lambda Calcolus for natural languagte semantics
§ Distributional semantics
- Textual Entailment Recognition
- Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin, SPEECH and LANGUAGE PROCESSING: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition (Second Edition)
- I.Dagan, D.Roth, M.Sammons, F.M.Zanzotto, Recognizing Textual Entailment: Models and Applications, Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies #23, Morgan&Claypool Publishers, 2013