Navigazione di Sezione:
Energy Systems 2014/2015
Programma di Energy Systems:
- Introduction Overview of energy sources, energy conversion systems, national and world energy needs. Analysis of energy conversion systems based on 1st and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Thermodynamic cycles: external and internal irreversibilities, definition of Hirn and Joule cycles.
- Steam power plants Analysis of “ideal” and actual thermodynamic cycles. Choice of operating parameters and techniques to improve plant’s efficiency: steam reheating, regenerative feed heating. Plant layouts.
- Gas turbine power plants Analysis of ideal and actual thermodynamic cycles. Choice of operating parameters and techniques to improve plant’s efficiency: regenerative heat exchanger, reheaters, intercoolers. Plant layout of heavy-duty and aeroderivative turbines.
- Combined cycle power plants Analysis of “topping” (gas turbine) and “bottoming” sections, efficiency, power ratio between gas and steam turbine, plant layout. Thermodynamic optimization of bottoming sections with variable temperature heat input.
- Internal combustion reciprocating engines Cycle analysis with ideal gas working fluid; fuel-air cycle analysis; real engine cycles; power output, mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency and engine operating parameters; correction factors for power and volumetric efficiency; engine operating characteristics.
- Hydroelectric power generation Hydraulic turbines: classification, operating parameters, performance characteristics, cavitation. Hydroelectric plant layouts. Pumped storage hydroelectricity.