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Human Anatomy I 2014/2015
Programma dei Moduli del Corso:
PROGRAM of Locomotor Apparatus (first semester, Prof. Pellegrino Rossi):
Introduction to the systematic study on the locomotor apparatus will be a discussion of the anatomical terminology: section types, terms of location and terms of movement. We will also describe the major topographic and functional subdivisions of the human body and surface anatomy. OSTEOLOGY : Morphology of the human skeleton: the axial skeleton, the exo and endocranium, the skeleton of the appendages. ARTHROLOGY: General information on joints, types of movements, joint dynamics. Joints of the skull, spine, chest, upper limb and lower limb. Myology : Shape and action of skeletal muscle; vertebral muscles of the neck and trunk, muscles of the chest, abdomen, muscles of upper and lower limbs.
NOTE : skeletal muscles of the splanchnocranium, of the pelvic and urogenital diaphragm are only partially covered by the program of Human Anatomy I, but they will be treated in more detail with the cardiovascular system, microscopic anatomy and splanchnology in the integrated course of Human Anatomy II (first half of second year)
PROGRAM of Neuroanatomy (second semester, Prof. Susanna Dolci):
Microscopic structures underlying the functioning of the nervous system: sensory receptors ( proprioceptors and esteroceptors), neurons, glia, myelin, synapses. General organization of conscious and unconscious sensitive pathways. Spinal cord: gray and white matter of the spinal cord, the reflex arcs. Brain Stem : medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, peduncles, main gray formations, links with other districts of the CNS. Cerebellum : microscopic structure, afferent and efferent pathways. Diencephalon: thalamus, epithalamus, subthalamus, metathalamus, the bulb - diencephalic reticular formation, the hypothalamus. Telencephalon: the basal ganglia, cerebral hemispheres, cortical areas and systems of association; histological structure of the cerebral cortex, the limbic lobe and the hippocampus. Functional systems: pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways, the pathways of epicritic and protopathic sensitivity. Cranial nerve nuclei and their functional specialization. General organization of the nervous plexuses. Meninges and cerebrospinal fluid system: organization of the meninges in the various regions of the CNS ; descriptive anatomy of the ventricular system, production, circulation and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid. Vascularization of the central nervous system: arterial networks and the system of venous sinuses. Autonomic nervous system: general organization of the autonomic nervous system, the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. Peripheral nervous system: cranial nerves and spinal nerves. Organization of the spinal plexuses and regional study of innervation. Sense organs: anatomy, histology and nervous pathways of the eye, ear, smell and taste.
2) Type of exams (oral or written or both)
Oral exams, with eventual practical tests.
3) List of textbooks/handouts
MAIN TEXT: - Gray's Anatomy (40th edition ) ISBN: 978-0-443-06684-9;
SUPPLEMENTARY TEXT (For Neuroanatomy): Clinical Neuroanatomy (R. Snell, latest edition) ISBN-10: 0781794277 | ISBN-13: 978-0781794275;
ATLAS: Netter (latest edition) ISBN: 978-1-4160-5951-6.
4) Name of the teacher actually lecturing the course
Prof. Pellegrino ROSSI (full professor of Human Anatomy)
7) Exam dates
February 2015: partial oral exam on topics of the first semester (Locomotor System)
June 2015 partial oral exam on topics of the second semester (Neuroanatomy)
July 2015 final oral exam and /or final recording (average vote of the two partial tests)
Please notethat all the exams will be repeated during september 2015 and december 2015, and that the exact dates will be published at the due time online on the Delphi Totem and on the Didattica Web 2.0 web sites.
Human Anatomy Mod. 2 | Docente: Susanna Dolci Iannini
- Nessun Programma del Modulo attualmente Inserito.