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Ingegneria Dei Sistemi Software E Dei Servizi In Rete 2014/2015
Programma di Ingegneria Dei Sistemi Software E Dei Servizi In Rete:
Per dettagli su docenti e collaboratori, orari, lezioni, esercitazioni, laboratorio e seminari vedere il file
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1. THEORY 1.1 Course Goals, Schedule, and Materials. 1.2 GQM+Strategy: 1.2.1 Overview (2) 1.2.2 Phase 0: Initialize 1.2.3 Phase 1: Characterize the Environment 1.2.4 Phase 2: Define Goals, Strategies and Measurement (2) 1.2.5 Phase 2: Define Goals, Strategies and Measurement: Example 1.2.6 Phase 3: Plan Grid Implementation 1.2.7 Phase 4: Execute Plans 1.2.8 Phase 5: Analyze Outomes 1.2.9 Phase 6: Package Improvements 1.2.10 Applications. 1.3 Development Processes and Approaches 1.3.1 From RUP to Agile. 1.3.2 Scrum. 1.4 Software Metrics 1.4.1 Theory of Software Measurement Models 1.4.2 Production of Software Measurement Models 1.4.3 Function Points 1.4.4 Software Cost Models: CoCoMO e CoCoMo II 1.5 Experimental SOftware Engineering (an Introduction to) 1.5.1 Experimental Strategies: A Descriptive View 1.5.2 Experimental Models for Validating Sw. Technology. 1.5.3 Software Engineering Experimentation 1.5.4 Software Engineering Experiment LifeCycle 1.5.5 Controlled Experiment Definition & Examples 1.5.6 Controlled Experiment Planning Design Cases 1.5.7 Controlled Experiment Operation 1.5.8 Data Description and Analysis. 1.5.9 Data Interpretation 1.5.10 Examples. 2. SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES 2.1 Process tools Agile: Atlassian Jira, and Atlassian Jira Agile (2) 2.2 Strumenti per Processo Agile: Atlassian Jira e Atlassian Jira Agile 2.3 Code Versioning (GIT) 2.4 Spring: an Introduction 2.5 Spring MVC, REST (MVC fro the Web and Services) 2.6 Spring: Data (Persistence) (2) 3. INDUSTRIAL TALKS 3.1 Funtion Points 3.3 Using IBM Ratiolal "RequisitePro" (an Introduction to) 3.3 Using IBM Rational "RequisitePro" (an Introduction to) 3.4 Using IBM Rational Team Concert (an Introduction to) 3.5 IBM BlueMix (3x4h): Architecvture and Usage (an Introduction to) 4. RECALL 4.1 Use Case Modeling & Specification 4.2 Use-case Realization (2) 4.3 Rational Unified Process 5. PROJECT ASSIGNMENT AND MENTORING (for Agile/Scrum and RUP teams) 5.1 A kind of capstone sub-course with 1,. 2 or 3 Scrum meetings per week in the lab.
[1] GQM+Strategies
[2] Experimental Software Engineering
[3] Trasparenze da lezioni e seminari su architetture software a servizi e relative tecnologie.
[4] Appunti, articoli e trasparenze da lezioni e seminari su Misure software.
[5] Trasparenze dalle altre lezioni.
Sviluppo di un'applicazione SOA a supporto di [1]