Programma dei Moduli del Corso:

Lingua E Civilta' Greca A | Docente:
Valerio Casadio

Module A

Lines of  ancient Greek cultural and literary history:

Basic characteristics and main authors of ancient Greek literary history from the Greek archaic period to Classical period. Six texts  of ancient Greek in translation (not necessarily  in Italian, but also in English or other languages), to read and comment, including at least one book of Homer, the fragments of archaic lyric poet, a tragedy, a comedy, a prose text, and one other of your choice. REFERENCES A text of Greek literary history the most recent. Any edition of the classic texts chosen.

Module B

-          Review of the fundamentals of morphology and syntax of nouns and verbs

-          Complete study of morphology and syntax;

-          Lexicon and style: guided lecture and analysis of original texts of intermediate complexity;

-          Second part of the history of Greek literature: hellenismus and imperial age.


-          Greek grammar handbook (the same used for Module A)

-          Handbook of history of the Greek literature (the same used for Module A).

Text in italian translation: Teocrito, Idilli (from I to XV; XXII; XXIV); Apollonio Rodio, Argonautiche (book III); Plutarco,Vite parallele: Alessandro; a work of hellenistic or imperial age, of your own choice