Navigazione di Sezione:
Physics 2011/2012
Programma di Physics:
What is physics
Scientific method
Measurement and units of measurement
Dimensional analysis
Order-of-magnitude estimates
KinematicsMotion in on dimension. Position, displacement, velocity, speed, acceleration
Average and instantaneous quantities
Motion with constant acceleration
Motion in two dimensions
Projectile motion: horizontal range and max height
Uniform circular motion
DynamicsDynamics, forces, Newton's Laws
Friction forces
Centripetal force
Resistive forces
Work done by a force
Kinetic energy
Vertical jump
The Jump in two dimensions
Projectiles in sport and bio-mechanics
Geostationary satellites
Physiological effects of acceleration
Potential energy
Conservative forces
Conservation of energy
Collisions, rotations and momentaCollisions in one and two dimensions
Elastic and inelastic collisions
Linear momentum and its conservation
Center of mass
Motion of a system of particles
Rotational kinematics
Extended bodies: Torque, Moment of inertia
Rotational kinetic energy
Verctor product
Angular momentum and its conservation, precessions
Running human beings
The jump, revisited: scaling laws in physiology
Linear momentum and the human body: sports
Levers in the human body, muscles
Jaws of animals
Escape velocity, black holes
Properties of fluids
Bernoulli's equation
Flight of animals
Viscosity and centrifugation
Surface tensions, Law of Laplace, capillary action
Tensioactives in lungs
Capillary action in trees. Negative pressures.
Circulatory system in mammals
ThermodynamicsTemperature, Thermal Expansion
Gases, Heat, Specific Heat, Latent Heat
First Law of Thermodynamics
Thermodynamic Transformations
Second Law of thermodynamics
Heat engines
Carnot's Theorem, Carnot Cycle
Electricity and magnetismElectric charge, Electric Force, Electric Field, Electric Potential
Relation between electric field and potential
Electric current, current density
Ohmic materials, conductivity, resistivity . Ohm's law
Electrical power
Capacitance. Capacitances in series and parallel
Resistances in series and parallel
DC circuits. Internal resistance of a generator . Kirkhoff's rules
RC circuits: charge and discharge of a capacitor. The time constant RC
Magnetic field . Lorentz force. Biot-Savart's law
Force between parallel conductors. Ampere's law. Solenoidal field