Mar 20

Bacheca » Feb 21st 2020 Exam Scores And Registration Of Marks

Exam scorse have been published along with solutions of the test have been published on the didattica website: anyone can see the solutions and understand the eventual mistakes he/she has made in the test.

Registration of marks on the Delphi website will be done on Monday, Marc 9th in the afternoon. It is not required your presence during the registration of marks. If you don’t want your mark to be registered you have to send me an email at elisa.battistoni@uniroma2.it by Sunday, March 8th. Insufficient marks will not be registered. Once a positive mark has been registered on the Delphi you cannot take the exam again.

After the registration of marks has been carried out, you will receive an email and you are invited to check if your mark is correctly registered within few days (5 days for regular students and 1 day for about-to-graduate students): if there is some mistakes, you can inform me directly through the Delphi website.