Files (71):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
(1985)_MURGIA_Imitation_and_Authenticity_in_Ovid-_Metamorphoses_1.477_and_Heroides_15_.pdf (1985) MURGIA Imitation and Authenticity in Ovid: Metamorphoses 1.477 and Heroides 15 pdf 2096.66 KB 14 Mar 2018, 11:06 125
(1990)_ROSATI_Note_al_testo_delle_Heroides.pdf (1990) ROSATI Note al testo delle Heroides pdf 2096.6 KB 10 Apr 2018, 13:03 346
(1995)_KNOX_bibliografia.pdf (1995) KNOX bibliografia pdf 20218.52 KB 14 Nov 2017, 18:58 451
(2006)_MICHALOPOULOS_Her._16_.163-178_.pdf (2006) MICHALOPOULOS Her. 16.163-178 pdf 19929.95 KB 10 Apr 2018, 12:11 272
(2006)_MICHALOPOULOS_Her._16_.89-104_.pdf (2006) MICHALOPOULOS Her. 16.89-104 pdf 19326.35 KB 10 Apr 2018, 11:58 254
(2017)_HEYWORTH_Bibliography.pdf (2017) HEYWORTH Bibliography pdf 191.3 KB 03 Apr 2018, 12:41 84
(2017)_HEYWORTH_Authenticity_and_other_problems_in_Heroides_16.pdf (2017) HEYWORTH Authenticity and other problems in Heroides 16 pdf 190.14 KB 03 Apr 2018, 12:41 79
(1990)_HALL_Conjectures_in_Ovids_Heroides.pdf (1990) HALL Conjectures pdf 1882.69 KB 22 Dec 2017, 13:21 270
(1995)_CUCCHIARELLI_Ma_il_giudice_delle_dee.pdf (1995) CUCCHIARELLI Ma il giudice delle dee non era un pastore? pdf 1843.67 KB 29 Mar 2018, 14:08 165
(1974)_JACOBSON_Heroides_15-_Sappho.pdf (1974) JACOBSON Heroides 15-Sappho pdf 1693 KB 14 Mar 2018, 09:06 296
(1899)_HOUSMAN_rev._of_PALMER_1898_.pdf (1899) HOUSMAN Palmer's Heroides of Ovid [recensione] pdf 1691.17 KB 04 Dec 2017, 12:03 298
(1984)_KENNEDY_The_epistolary_mode_and_the_first_of_Ovids_Heroides.pdf (1984) KENNEDY The epistolary mode and the first of Ovid's Heroides pdf 1635.61 KB 19 Nov 2017, 15:56 234
Heroidum_epistula.pdf (1995) CASALi commento a Her. 9 pdf 13893.73 KB 21 Dec 2017, 12:42 592
locandina_Galasso.pdf Lezione prof. LUIGI GALASSO 13 marzo ore 11 pdf 1376.45 KB 08 Mar 2018, 05:39 101
Alfonso_Traina,_Giorgio_Bernardi_Perini_Propedeutica_al_latino_universitario.pdf TRAINA-BERNARDI PERINI Propedeutica al latino universitario pdf 12766.69 KB 04 Dec 2017, 11:54 1694