Files (71):

Nome File Tipo Peso Data Accessi
locandina_Rosati.pdf Locandina lezione Prof. Gianpiero Rosati 16/05 ore 12 pdf 356.95 KB 14 May 2018, 08:13 99
(2003)_BESSONE_Saffo,_la_lirica,_lelegia-_su_Ovidio,_Heroides_15.pdf (2003) BESSONE Saffo, la lirica, l'elegia-su Ovidio, Heroides 15 pdf 3820.69 KB 14 Mar 2018, 09:08 559
(2002)_DEUFERT,_GAERTNER,_WINTERBOTTOM_Critical_notes_on_the_Heroides.pdf (2002) DEUFERT-GAERTNER-WINTERBOTTOM pdf 384.17 KB 11 Apr 2018, 13:33 147
(2006)_MICHALOPOULOS_Her._16_.105-126_.pdf (2006) MICHALOPOULOS Her. 16.105-126 pdf 4358.79 KB 10 Apr 2018, 12:00 172
(1979)_KENNEY_Two_Disputed_Passages_in_the_Heroides.pdf (1979) KENNEY Two disputed passages in the Heroides pdf 4594.02 KB 27 Mar 2018, 15:24 175
(1996)_ROSATI_Sabinus,_the_Heroides_and_the_Poet-Nightingale._Some_Observations_on_the_Authenticity_of_the_Epistula_Sapphus_.pdf (1996) ROSATI Sabinus, the Heroides and the poet-nightingale pdf 473.14 KB 01 Mar 2018, 09:29 152
(1907)_NAYLOR_Notes_on_Ovids_Heroides_I.-XIV_.pdf (1907) NAYLOR Notes on Ovid's Heroides I.-XIV pdf 483.08 KB 20 Nov 2017, 09:53 135
locandina_Richard.jpg Lezione Prof. Richard F. Thomas 4/04 ore 11 jpg 502.27 KB 29 Mar 2018, 13:23 130
(2006)_RIMELL_Ovids_Lovers_-_Ch._4_Co-Creators-_Heroides_15_.pdf (2006) RIMELL Ovid's Lovers - Ch. 4 Co-Creators-Heroides 15 pdf 506.1 KB 14 Mar 2018, 09:13 189
(2006)_MICHALOPOULOS_Her._16_.147-162_.pdf (2006) MICHALOPOULOS Her. 16.147-162 pdf 5090.87 KB 10 Apr 2018, 12:37 220
(2005)_FULKERSON_The_Ovidian_Heroine_as_Author_-_appendix_[Heroides_15].pdf (2005) FULKERSON The Ovidian Heroine as Author-appendix [Heroides 15] pdf 518.6 KB 14 Mar 2018, 09:09 173
(1922)_HOUSMAN_Attamen_and_Ovid_Her._I_2_.pdf (1922) HOUSMAN Attamen and Ovid Her. I 2 pdf 527.75 KB 20 Nov 2017, 09:54 123
(1995)_Knox_comm._Heroides_1_.pdf (1995) KNOX comm. Heroides 1 pdf 60214.85 KB 14 Nov 2017, 18:54 614
(1996)_CUCCHIARELLI_I_prodigi_dellarco_damore.pdf (1996) CUCCHIARELLI I prodigi dell'arco di Amore pdf 634.71 KB 27 Mar 2018, 14:29 131
(2016)_FORNARO_Chr._G_._Heyne-_le_nuove_vie_dello_studio_degli_antichi-_.pdf (2016) FORNARO Christian Gottlob Heyne pdf 7159.54 KB 25 May 2018, 16:15 247