Programme Software Construction:

        Prof. Dott. Giovanni Cantone, and Dr. Manuel Mastrofini, PhD

Industrial experts: Simone Corrieri, Dipl. Eng.; Famio Armani, Sc.M.  

Application domain experts:TBI


- Software Measurement and related Ontologie (20%)

- Agile approaches to software development (6.5%)

- Frameworks for Persistency: from Hibernate to Spring (6.5%)

- Web applications development (3%)

- Service oriented software development: from SOAP to RESTfull (4%)

- Framework for the Design and implementation of a Front-end (5%) 

- Organization and Usage of Technology Stacks supporting Big-data Management and Analysiis (5%)   

- Introduction to the organization and usage of further software tecnologie: Adobe XD, Git, IntelliJIdea, Slack, Miro, Atlassian Jira, Weka, MS Teams, etc. (5%)

- Scrum-based agile development of a capstone-like true software project. They are expected to perform: teachers as Product Owner and Special Domain Expert, resepectively, a certified expert as a Scrum master, application domain experts as Product Owner and Scrum team's consultatnts, and one more industrial instructor as Front-end expert (45%). 

Additional talks will be given by Italian experts of software process, architecture and design from some Countries, who usually studied Software Engineering with us in the University of  Roma Tor Vergata, and are now leading relevant industrial projects.


****** To be admitted in this course, students are requested to have already given the exams of Software Engineering I, Software Engineering II, Data-bases, and of courses teaching Machine Learning, and elements of Big Data.  ****