Programme of Course Modules:

History Of Medieval Art A | Docente:
Antonietta Lauria


Students should have:

- basic knowledge of medieval history;

- basic knowledge of the meaning of style, iconography, iconology;

- to analize and describe basically works of art using proper terminology (iconographic, formal and stylistic analysis).


- Knowledge and understanding of main aspects of medieval history of art.

- Applying knowledge and understanding to the works studied (author, title, date, placement, executive technical, subject, formal and stilistic aspects, symbolic and iconographic meanings), to their use in the cultural and educational fields, to their evaluation, preservation, promotion as cultural heritage.

 - Making judgements and communication skills using scientific terminology in the field of medieval art history 

- The learning skills will be enhanced also in view of research activities: the lessons will be carried out using different metodologies (see above), and using scientific bibliography in the field historical of medieval art, in Italian  Supplementary activities will be included.



History of Medieval Art from the Early Christian Age to Carolingian period.

Lessons will be carried out using different metodologies and using scientific bibliography in the field historical of medieval art, in Italian. Supplementary activities will be included.


Texts adopted: 

- P. De Vecchi, E. Cerchiari, Arte nel Tempo, Vol. I, pp. 240-299, "Dalla Preistoria alla Tarda Antichità",Vol. II, "Il Medioevo", Ed. Bompiani, Milano 1991, pp. 302-382.

.- Students are requested to visit the following roman monuments:

S. Pietro in Vaticano, S. Giovanni in Laterano, Battistero lateranense, Mausoleo di S. Costanza, S. Agnese fuori le mura, S. Maria Maggiore, S. Paolo fuori le mura, S. Pudenziana, S. Prassede, S. Maria in Trastevere, S. Clemente, Ss. Quattro Coronati e Oratorio di S. Silvestro, S. Cecilia in Trastevere.


Methods and criteria for verification of learning outcomes

The exam will consist of an oral test aimed at verifying that the student has acquired the knowledge and skills that are the educational objectives of the course. The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of the main themes and monuments most relevant to medieval art, as well as having acquired the terminological and conceptual skills necessary to orientate himself in the study of the discipline.