Programme of Course Modules:

Aesthetics And Philosophy Of Music A | Docente:
Mara Lacche'


The module will be divided into two parts:

- an introduction to Musical Aesthetics as an autonomous philosophical discipline and its development during the 19th century (Dahlhaus)

- the development of musical thought in the 20th century, through the branches and multiple areas of reflection (semiological, linguistic, phenomenological, etc.), in relation to the historical avant-gardes and the second half of the 20th century.



- Carl DAHLHAUS, L’estetica della musica, trad. it. di Riccardo Culeddo, Roma, Astrolabio, 2009.

- Enrico FUBINI, Il pensiero musicale nel Novecento, Pisa, ETS, 2011.

- Handouts on the topics covered (slides, lectures, philosophical and theoretical texts) will be made available online.

Further reading for non-attending students must be agreed with the teacher.



- Alessandro ARBO, Il suono instabile. Saggi sulla filosofia della musica nel Novecento, Roma, NeoClassica, 2017.

- Michela GARDA, L'estetica musicale del Novecento: tendenze e problemi, Roma, Carrocci, 2007.

- Peter KIVY, Filosofia della musica. Un’introduzione, a cura di Alessandro Bertinetto, Torino, Einaudi, 2022.

- Enrica LISCIANI-PETRINI, Il suono incrinato, Torino, Einaudi, 2011.

- Giovanni PIANA, Filosofia della musica, Milano, Angelo Guerini, 2005 (disponibile in



Oral exam to verify the knowledge and the ability to critically elaborate and deepen the arguments, based on the individual paths.

The examination includes:

- an in-depth analysis (written or oral) on a topic of your choice, related to the programme, to be agreed with the teacher

- a question on the topics covered in the lecture

For non-attending students

- a reading chosen from those indicated in the bibliography provided by the teacher.

Aesthetics And Philosophy Of Music B | Docente:
Mara Lacche'


Vladimir Jankélévitch, Music and the Ineffable

This course proposes an in-depth study of the philosophical-aesthetic thought, of Bergsonian imprint, of Vladimir Jankélévitch and his conception of music as the language of "ineffability", of the elusiveness of the artistic dynamic, as elusive is the "charme", the gratuitous character of everything, of which the artwork, and in particular that of music, is an emblematic testimony. 

Writings in relation to French music between the 19th and 20th centuries (Fauré, Debussy and Ravel) will also be considered.


- Vladimir JANKÉLÉVITCH, La musica e l’ineffabile, trad. it. a cura di Enrica Lisciani-Petrini, Milano, Bompiani, 1998.

- Vladimir JANKÉLÉVITCH, Ravel, trad. it. di Laura Lovisetti Fuà, Milano, Abscondita, 2018.

- Vladimir JANKÉLÉVITCH, Debussy e il mistero, a cura di Enrica Lisciani-Petrini, trad. it. di Carlo Migliaccio, Milano, SE, 2022.

- Vladimir JANKÉLÉVITCH, Fauré et l'inexprimable, Paris, Pocket, 1992.

- Handouts on the topics covered (slides, lectures, philosophical and theoretical texts) will be made available online.

Further reading for non-attending students must be agreed with the teacher.



- Alessandro ARBO, Il suono instabile. Saggi sulla filosofia della musica nel Novecento, Roma, NeoClassica, 2017.

- Enrico FUBINI, Il pensiero musicale nel Novecento, Pisa, ETS, 2011.

- Enrico FUBINI, Laurence WUIDAR, I linguaggi dell'ineffabile. Musica e mistica: tradizioni ebraiche e cristiane a confronto, Pisa, ETS, 2022.

- Enrica LISCIANI-PETRINI, Il suono incrinato, Torino, Einaudi, 2011.

- Carlo MIGLIACCIO, L'odissea musicale nella filosofia di Vladimir Jankélévich, Palermo, CUEM, 2000 (disponibile inélévitch-Migliaccio.pdf).



Oral exam to verify the knowledge and the ability to critically elaborate and deepen the arguments, based on the individual paths.

The examination includes:

- an in-depth analysis (written or oral) on a topic of your choice, related to the programme, to be agreed with the teacher

- a question on the topics covered in the lecture.

For non-attending students

- a reading of your choice from the bibliography provided by the teacher.