Programme of Course Modules:

Musical Drama Lm A | Docente:
Teresa Maria Gialdroni Music in early 19th-century Italian opera: production, characters, techniques.   The course, divided into one semester, aims to provide the essential elements for understanding the musical organization of Italian opera in the first half of the 19th century. The production system, aspects of metrics and structure of the libretto and formal aspects will be examined. Gloria Staffieri, Un teatro tutto cantato. Introduzione all’opera italiana. Roma, Carocci 2012 (vol. 1)   and an article chosen from the following   1. Fabrizio Della Seta, Il testo del melodramma, «Belfagor» 61/6 (2006), pp. 617-631 2. Paolo Gallarati, Oltre la "solita forma": Morfologia ed ermeneutica nella critica verdiana, «Il Saggiatore musicale» 16/2 (2009), pp. 203-244 3. Philip Gossett, Rossini and the conventions of composition, «Acta Musicologica» 42/1-2 (1970), pp. 48-58 4. Steven Huebner, Lyric Form in ‘Ottocento’ Opera. «Journal of the Royal Musical Association», Vol. 117, No. 1 (1992), pp. 123-147 5. Giorgio Pagannone, Il duetto nell'opera dell'Ottocento: forma e dramma «Musica docta» 2012,  pp. 55-68 6. Harold Powers, “La solita forma” and “The Uses of Convention”. «Acta Musicologica» 59/1 (1987), pp. 65-90