General Information:

  • Department: Lettere E Filosofia
  • Settore Ministeriale: M-FIL/08
  • ID code: 804002635
  • Teaching methods: Frontale
  • Assessment methods: Orale
  • Prerequisites: no prerequisites, but it it would be desirable that the student had attended, or passed the exam of Mod. A.
  • Objectives: LEARNING OUTCOMES: provide the student with an in-depth basic knowledge of the historical developments of the medieval philosophy and the ability to critically comprehend the texts read at lesson. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: provide the student with the knowledge of the historical developments and argumentative skills, theoretical and methodological instruments for a critical orientation in medieval philosophy. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: ensure that the student correctly applies, after having understood them, the argumentative techniques and the theoretical and methodological tools necessary to move critically in the history of medieval philosophy, also in its connections with other humanistic disciplines. MAKING JUDGEMENTS: develop independent judgment in the student on the basis of knowledge of the fundamental philosophical themes and the main trends of the 13th-century philosophical thought. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: the student is expected to acquire appropriate capacity to develop arguments based on the knowledge of the main issues and topics of the philosophical thought in the Middle Ages. LEARNING SKILLS: help students to develop mastery and possession of the theoretical and methodological tools needed to move critically through the philosophical thought of the Middle Ages.
  • Office hours: mercoledi 13-15 (gli studenti sono invitati a prenotare il ricevimento all'indirizzo e-mail della docente)


  • A.Y.: 2023/2024
  • Channel: UNICO
  • Credits / ECTS(CFU): 6