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Lingua Inglese 2 Scritto (linfo Ex 270) 2010/2011
Programma di Lingua Inglese 2 Scritto (linfo Ex 270):
Edificio: A – Piano: I Stanza P6
Language Course :
Essentially the aim is to direct students to an international environment with a global focus. The course has a topic-based multistrand syllabus which includes comprehensive work on grammar, vocabulary through contextualisation, and pronunciation. Strong emphasis is placed on reading (real-life sources), listening and oral skills. Students will be required to prepare oral tasks and short presentations in class. This to challenge students to develop powers of expression and analysis.
Written Exam:
The written exam has three components:
Section 1: Two listening exercises with either gap filling or multiple choice.
Section 2: Structure and vocabulary.
Section 3: Reading comprehensions (either two or three depending on the length), multiple choice answers and written answers.
- Course Materials:
Cotton, D., Falvey, D., Kent, S., Language Leader, Upper Intermediate, Pearson Longman Publishers, Coursebook and workbook with key.
- Recommended Materials:
Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary with CD.