Navigazione di Sezione:
European Administrative Law 2023/2024
Programma di European Administrative Law:
The course will cover the following topics:
- EU administrative law: the phases in the evolution and the features
- General principles of EU administrative law: proportionality, participation, right to be heard, etc.
- The forms of EU administrative action: direct administration, indirect administration, shared administration
- The EU administration and the use of force
- Agencies and delegation
- Composite procedures
- Access and transparency
- The review of EU administrative decisions
The syllabus is available on teams.
The course will be based both onfrontal lectures and on the analysis of cases and materials. Cases and materials will be in part discussed with the active participation of attending students.
For non attending students, the exam will be oral, on the entire programme of the course. Different methodologies of evaluation will be used for attending students, through active participation in class and presentation of cases, which will substitute part of the final exam. Additional instruments, such as the writing of response papers, could be organized on a voluntary basis, as part of the evaluation.
Materials will be provided during class.
Further readings useful for the course are: P. Craig, EU Administrative Law (Oxford University Press, 2018 3nd) or C. Harlow, P. Leino & G. della Cananea (eds.), Research Handbook on European Union Administrative Law (Oxford, Elgar, 2017)_(selected chapters as identified on Teams).