Navigazione di Sezione:
Control Of Electrical Machines 2020/2021
Programma di Control Of Electrical Machines:
The course is a unified exposition of the most important steps and concerns in the mathematical modeling and in the design of estimation and control algorithms for electrical machines such as:
permanent magnet synchronous motors
permanent magnet stepper motors
synchronous motors with damping windings
induction (asynchronous) motors
synchronous generators.
A single notation and modern (nonlinear) control terminology is used to make the course accessible to students who are not experts in electric machines at the same time as giving a more theoretical control view point to those who are. The concepts of stability and nonlinear control theory are also recalled. Important features of the course include: mathematical modeling through nonlinear differential equations as well a wide-ranging discussion of (nonlinear) adaptive controls containing parameter estimation algorithms (important for applications). The content of the course is organized in a pedagogical, progressive exposition starting from basic assumptions, structural properties, modeling, control and estimation algorithms. Applications include: learning control of robotic manipulators and cruise/yaw rate control of electrical vehicles.
C.M. Verrelli, Mathematical Control Design for Linear Systems" I ED.2020, Esculapio 2020, Paperback Pag.304 ISBN: 9788893852142.
R. Marino, P. Tomei, C.M. Verrelli, Induction Motor Control Design, Springer, 2010.
W. Leonhard, Control of Electrical Drives, Springer, 2001.
D.M. Dawson, J. Hu, T.C. Burg, Nonlinear Control of Electric Machinery, Marcel Dekker, 1998.
F. Khorrami, P. Krishnamurthy, H. Melkote, Modeling and Adaptive Nonlinear Control of Electric Motors, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
R.L. Herman, An Introduction to Fourier Analysis, CRC Press, 2017.