Programma di Geopolitics Of Tourism:

Il turismo è diventato strumento attivo nelle mani dei decisori politici peril controllo dei diversi territori. Questo accade a tutte le scale: da quella suburbana a quella continentale e internazionale. Nel corso esamineremo prima i concetti di geografia e geopolitica per capire come sono collegati al turismo e come i brand nazionali e il patrimonio, sono diventati elementi identitari. 

Per studenti FREQUENTANTI :Materiale di studio verrà fornito dal docente e disponibile on line, sui siti di didatrtica del corso.

Per studenti NON FREQUENTANTI: Derek Hall , “Tourism and Geopolitics. Issues and Concepts from Central and Eastern Europe”, Seabank Associates, UK January 2017 | Hardback | 406 Pages | 9781780647616 or  January 2017 | ePDF 9781780647623 | ePub 9781780647630

Tourism has become an active tool in the hands of political decision makers for the control of different territories. This happens on all scales: from suburban to continental and international. We will first examine the concepts of geography and geopolitics to understand how they are connected to tourism and how national brands and heritage have become identifying elements. 

For ATTENDING students: Teaching material will be provided by the teacher and available online, on the didactic websites of the course.

For NON-ATTENDING students: Derek Hall , “Tourism and Geopolitics. Issues and Concepts from Central and Eastern Europe”, Seabank Associates, UK January 2017 | Hardback | 406 Pages | 9781780647616 or  January 2017 | ePDF 9781780647623 | ePub 9781780647630