Navigazione di Sezione:
Gravitational Physics 2018/2019
Programma di Gravitational Physics:
The equivalence principle (WEP–EEP–SEP). Measurements of G, tests of the inverse-square law and of the universality of free fall, Lorentz invariance. Experiments and limits on deviations from Newton's law and on the existence of additional interactions. PPN formalism. Metric and non-metric gravitational theories. Brans-Dicke theory. Parameters measured in space and ground experiments. Deviation of light. Radar echo delay. Long Baseline Interferometry. Lunar Ranging Experiment. Gravitomagnetism. Measurements of the Lense-Thirring and other PPN effects. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS - Galileo) and fundamental physics. Test of GR in weak field mildly relativistic (v/c<1) systems: binary neutron star systems. Pulsar Timing Arrays. Post-Keplerian parameters in the PPN formalism. Observational results from some peculiar systems: PSR B1913+16; PSR B1534+12; PSR J0737−3039A/B. Tests of GR in strong field highly relativistic (v/c~1) systems with gravitational waves. Basic elements of GWs. Description of compact binary system dynamics with PPN formalism. Waveform consistency; massive graviton; speed of GWs; equivalence principle; polarization states.