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Thermodynamics And Heat Transfer 2014/2015
Programma di Thermodynamics And Heat Transfer:
- Zero principle: thermodynamic quantities. Thermodynamic systems. Adiabatic and diathermal walls. Zero principle of thermodynamics. Empirical temperature idea. Thermometric properties. Thermometric scales
- First principle: heat. mechanic work. first principle of thermodynamics for closed systems. Total energy. Internal energy. Enthalpy. First principle for open systems.
- Second principle: formulation of Kelvin Planck. Formulation of Clausius. Equivalence of the two formulations. Mention about Caratheodory formulation and axiomatic formulation of thermodynamics. Clausius closed integral. Entropy. Entropic sources. Theory of the increase of entropy.
- Thermodynamic potentials: Helmotz free energy. Gibbs potential. Kelvin equations.
- Properties of materials: thermal expansion. Adiabatic and isothermal compressibility. Specific heat
- Ideal gases: virial expansion. Hypothesis of ideal gas. Transformations for ideal gases: reversible and irreversible adiabatic, isothermal, isobaric, isochoric, isenthalpic. Properties of ideals gases.
- Thermodynamic diagrams: P-v; P-T; P-v-T, T-s; h-s; P-h. Transformations for real substances.
- Thermodynamic cycles: Cycles in closed systems: Otto and Diesel cycle. Open system cycles for gases Joule cycle. Open system cycles for vapours: Rankin and Hirn Cycles, refrigeration cycle.
- Air and steam mixtures: Definition of quantities for humid air: total humidity, relative humidity, enthalpy. Construction of the Mollier diagram of the humid air and of psychrometric (ASRAE) diagram. Transformations of humid air: refrigerating and heating at constant total humidity, adiabatic saturation and cooling with moisture separation, mixing of two flows. Design of air thermal plants: winter case and summer case.
- Basic ides of fluid dynamics: viscosity; laminar and turbulent flow
- Geometric, kinematic, dynamic and physical similarity: meaning of the Reynolds number
- Mass and momentum conservation
- Flow of a fluid licking a flat plate and into a pipe
- Velocity profile in a duct in laminar regime
- Dimension analysis for turbulent flow inside a duct
- Major and minor pressure losses; Moody chart
- Pressures in a pipe
- Pitot tube
- Venturi tube
- Basics of heat transfer: heat transfer mechanisms. Fourier law of conduction and definition of thermal conductivity. Newton law of convection. Basic concepts of radiation.
- Conduction: methods of measuring thermal conductivity. General equation of conduction. Boundary conditions. Solutions for steady state problems: infinite slab and infinite cylinder without and with heat generation, composite layers, global conduction heat transfer coefficient. Lumped parameter problems, without and with heat generation. Distributed parameters problems.
- Convection: Buckingham theorem and determination of dimensionless number for convection. Forced convection external to surfaces. Forced convection in closed spaces. Natural convection. Convection with phase change: condensation and boiling.
- Radiation: Spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Definition of radiation quantities: exitance, radiance, irradiation, radiant intensity. Lambert law. Basic laws of radiation: Planck, Stephan Boltzmann, Wien. Properties of surfaces: absorbance, reflectance, transmittance, emissivity. Kirchhoff law of radiation. Black body model. Grey body model. Heat transfer by radiation between two black surfaces: radiation configuration factors. Heat transfer among grey surfaces: radiosity, electrical analogy. Radiation with a partially absorbing medium: law of Bourough Beer.
- Heat exchangers: theory of heat exchangers: classification, tube in tube heat exchangers in counter flow and parallel flow configuration. Size problem and rate problem criteria for designing heat exchangers. Dimensionless numbers. ?Tml , ?-NTU and ?-P methods.
- M.W.Zemanski, M.M. Abbott, H.C. Van Ness, Beasic Engineering Thermodynamics, Mc-Graw Hill Inc. 1975
- I.P.Holman, Heat Transfer, Mc. Graw Hill Int. 1981
- J. Moran, N.M. Shapiro, Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics 2006
- any other equivalent book.