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Lingua Inglese 3 (scritto) 2012/2013
Programma di Lingua Inglese 3 (scritto) :
Dott.ssa Christine Eade
Students will acquire advanced-level linguistic competence in all four skills (reading, listening, reading and writing), which will allow them to perform effectively in general, academic and professional contexts. Students will also hone their cross-cultural communication skills in order to interact with ease in multicultural environments using English as the link language.
General Program. A series academic topics and issues will be presented with particular focus on extending lexical competence, improving accuracy and fluency in both writing and speaking, and developing reading and listening comprehension. a) Essay Writing. Particular attention is given to developing academic writing skills: planning, organisation, cohesion, paragraphing, sentence structures, editing, etc. b) Video Reports and debates. Students will present at least four video reports to their peers, followed by a brief debate session on a related issue. The aim of these reports and debates is to increase comprehension of English and broaden lexical range. Testing and evaluation: The test consists of three parts:
1. Listening Comprehension: a 10-minute (approx) recording from an academic context (lectures, interviews, tutorials, etc) followed by multiple choice questions 2. Reading and Note-taking: taking effective notes on an academic text in order to incorporate the information in an essay 3. Essay writing: planning and drafting a 400-500 word essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of a topic related to the field of study. Students will be evaluated on essay organization and clarity of exposition.
To successfully follow the course, all students will require the following:
1) O’Connell, Sue (2002) Focus on IELTS. London: Longman 2) Essay-Writing practice materials on Didattica Web/Prof Petroni