Jan 18

Bacheca » Exclusions Of Topics For A.y. 2017-2018

| Modificato il 25 Jan 2018, 17:02
All the topics present in the slides distributed will be included in the exams for the current academic year, EXCEPT:

Estimation of sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests  (page 14)
- Normal approximation to the Binomial distribution (page 26-27)

Statistical Inference part II (study of associations)
- ANOVA (page 5-7, 29)
- Explanation why Covariance measures the linear association, and the calculation of (the numerator of) covariance (2nd slide page 15, page 16)

- Rates (page 5-6)
- PH assumption (2nd slide page 9)
- Competing risks (page 10)
- Designs for comparing treatments (page 17-18)