Feb 10

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Il corso verte su Intermediate Reading Skills .  Durante lo svolgimento delle lezioni gli studenti si cimenteranno con testi di General e Academic Writing tratti dal libro di testo. Le tecniche di lettura saranno affinate mediante una serie di esercizi e di attività concepiti per l’esame IELTS (Intermediate Level/ Common European Framework B1, B2).



L’ obiettivo è di fornire gli strumenti di lettura richiesti per potere comprendere pienamente sia testi generici che brani di Academic Writing in inglese (livello intermedio ).


L’esame prevede la lettura e la comprensione di 3  testo  brani di Academic Writing o General Writing  in inglese. Tali Reading Skills vengono valutati tramite la tipologia di esercizi e di prove utilizzati per l’esame IELTS (Intermediate).

Testo consigliato:

Black, Michael & Sharp, Wendy. Objective IELTS (Intermediate), Cambridge University Press, 2006.




Course description

The course centres on developing intermediate reading skills. During lessons students will work on texts of general and academic writing taken from the set text. Reading skills will be refined and developed using the kinds of exercises conceived for the IELTS test (Intermediate level/Common European Framework B1, B2).



The course aims to equip students with reading skills required to fully understand passages of academic writing in English (intermediate level).


In the exam students will be asked to read and show they understand three passages of Academic and/or general writing in English. These skills are assessed using through exercises which follow closely the question formats used for the IELTS exam.

Required Reading

Black, Michael & Sharp, Wendy. Objective IELTS (Intermediate), Cambridge University Press, 2006.