Mar 25

Bacheca » Flipped Classes

For attending students, the course offers the possibility of flipped classes: a teaching strategy where traditional learning is reversed. Students first engage with a paper or a chapter from the manual at home, and then use class time to present the material and engage in discussions with their peers and the Professor. This approach emphasizes active learning and student participation.

Flipped classes do not constitute part of the final course evaluation, but the Professor takes into account students' effort, engagement, and active participation.

The volunteer students presenting papers are as follows:

  • 4/03: Flipped class on Image and Imaginaries (Alessia, paper by Debarbieux)
  • 18/03: Flipped class on Sustainability (Diliah, chapter 15 of Mason's manual)
  • 25/03: Flipped class on Rural Tourism (Martina, paper by Lane)

Other attending students are required to read the papers/manual chapters before the flipped class takes place.