Oct 22

Bacheca » Course References

I hereby share a list of useful references for our course.

For most parts I am trying to follow this book:

 M. Petrini, G. Pradisi, A. Zaffaroni,
"A Guide to Mathematical Methods for Physicists -- With Problems and Solutions"

Further book for advanced students:

1) The theory of functions, by E.C. Titchmarsh,
   Oxford University Press 1939

2) Theory of functions of a complex variable, vol I and II,
   by A.I. Markushevic, Prentice-Hall, Inc. - 1965

3) Linear Operators, by N.J. Dunford, J.T. Schwartz,
  John Wiley & Sons Inc. - 1958  (in part. chapt. 7)

4) Mathematical Methodsin Quantum Mechanics, by G. Tesch,
   American Mathematical Society, 2014 -- freely available under

(For books 1,2,3 on the web see e.g. http://gen.lib.rus.ec)