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Jul 23

Bacheca » III Appello 25/07/2023

| Modificato il 23 Jul 2023, 22:42 III Appello 25/07/2023: The written/listening exam will begin at 9 a.m.  Please arrive at 8:45 a.m. with a valid photo ID (original, NOT a photo on your phone!).  The oral exams will begin at 10:30.  Number 1-32 will do the oral exam on July 25.  Number 33-66 will do the oral exam on July 26 in aula T12A, starting at 9 a.m.  For those of you who failed the exam or refused your grade in the second appello but STILL reserved the third appello, I consider it a sincere lack of respect for the professor and your fellow students, as well as an inablity to follow simple instructions in English.