Jun 23

Bacheca » Exam Information--first Exam Date 16/06/2023

The grades have been put on Delphi. Remember, if you received anything lower than 18, you have failed the exam. You will have to redo the written/listening exam and the oral presenation. If you choose to refuse your grade, you will have to redo the written/listening exam and come to the oral exam with a NEW presentation. If you have failed the exam or refuse your grade, you can come to the third appello, which is in July, or wait until September. DO NOT COME to the next appello. I have attached a table with all the grades and your final grade. Please be remined that the written project (brochure or travel blog) was 20% of your grade, while the written/listening exam was 40% and the oral presentation was 40% of your grade. If you gave me a written project with historical facts, numbers, statistics, etc, and NO references/sources of your information, you automatically started out with a score of 12/20. I hope this is all clear and thank you for your cooperation.