Sep 21

Bacheca » Security Measures For Carrying On Frontal Didactic Activities

A circular letter of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on safety measures for carrying on frontal didactic activities has been published in the “files” section (in Italian language). An excerpt in English is available at this link.

The main points of the circular are the following.

  1. From the September 1st, 2021 up to December 31st, 2021, all University staff, as well as college students, must, as a rule, possess and – when requested – exhibit the full valid EU Digital COVID Certificate (from now on “green pass”), which contains an EU-compliant QR code. The green pass is needed to access indoor and outdoor University spaces (including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, cafeterias, University accommodations, etc.).
  2. The green pass is a digital proof that a person has either:
    1. been vaccinated against COVID-19 (with one of the vaccines which have been authorised by the EMA or have successfully passed the evaluation process of the WHO)
    2. received a negative rapid-antigen or molecular test result within 48 hours before accessing University spaces (the test must be a nasal or oro-pharyngeal test carried out in a public health structure or in an authorized/accredited private structure) or
    3. recovered from COVID-19
  3. The requirement to possess the green pass does not apply to people exempted from the vaccination campaign on the basis of a suitable medical certification issued according to the criteria defined in the circular of the Italian Ministry of Health, protocol number 35309, August 4th, 2021. These people will be requested to show the document that attests the exemption.
  4. The green pass and its validity will be verified by University staff and teachers by means of the app VerificaC19, which will scan the QR code. Students who either do not possess a valid green pass or the document for the exemption or refuse to show them will be invited to leave the University spaces. Along with the green pass an identity document may be requested.
  5. When students reserve their place in classrooms – both to attend courses and to sit exams – on the Delphi online platform they must declare (under their own responsibility) that they possess a valid green pass or the document for the exemption.
  6. The University will organize open days for students who want to be vaccinated. The vaccination will be free of charge and voluntary. More information on this will be communicated by the University.
  7. All previous safety rules (see “Safety Regulations” section) do apply.


Safety Regulations

In accordance with the principle of individual and collective safety, the presence in the University areas can only be allowed according to the following rules that students are required to respect under their personal responsibility:

  1. wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use the special dispensers of sanitizing solutions;
  2. if you have symptoms of fever (over 37.5 °C), cough, breathing difficulties or other symptoms such as myalgias, ageusia (lack of taste) and anosmia (loss of smell), you must stay at your home and contact your own doctor immediately or, in case of severe symptoms, the emergency number 118;
  3. keep the distance of at least 1 meter from the person next to you and avoid crowding situations;
  4. in the classrooms, occupy only the seats allowed, marked by appropriate signs, in order to maintain an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter;
  5. wear either a surgical or an ffp2 mask and proceed with frequent ventilation when you are in the University common areas (classrooms, laboratories, etc.);
  6. avoid shaking hands and hugs and touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
  7. respect the information signs (entry and exit routes and those provided for indoor movements), in order to implement the most effective measures to prevent gatherings;
  8. sneeze and cough by covering the nose and mouth with the crook of the elbow or with disposable facial tissues.

Anyone who becomes aware of any positive cases of COVID-19 among those who have had access to the University is required to immediately inform the Covid 19 University Coordinator.