Jun 20

Bacheca » Written Test Detailed Instructions

| Modificato il 30 Jun 2020, 15:10
Dear Students of MMS,

This is to give you detailed instructions for the online written test.

In my next message I will send you the Zoom Meeting ID and password for tomorrow's written test. 

The Zoom meeting will start at 10:15am CEST of July 1st, 2020. 

The written test will start at 11:00am. 

1) Students are required to join the meeting as early as possible, and in any case not later than 10:50am. 

2) Students will enter the waiting room at first, and will be admitted to the meeting by the instructor.

3) Once admitted to the meeting, each student should write in the Zoom chat his/her email address where he/she can be reached during the exam.

4) Each student will be asked to show his/her Identity Document for identification. So it is necessary to have a readable ID to sustain the test.

5) Each student will be asked to show their face and ears to make sure he/she does not have earphones. Earphones or headsets are not permitted during the test.

5bis) Before starting the test each student will be asked to prepare a sheet with his/her last name, ID number and signature, everything handwritten, and to show it to the webcam, to allow the instructor to take a snapshot of it. This is supposed to be the only sheet of paper where the answers should be reported.

6) The webcam view frame should include the student's face, his/her hands, the table, the sheets of paper needed for the exam, the other material needed to write (pens, pencils, ruler, eraser), one calculator (if any), a cheat sheet of one page (which can be written on both sides) in A4 or letter format, and the cell phone which will be used to take the scan. Once the test starts, no other material can be introduced in the view frame of the webcam. It is not possible to use books, lecture notes, or other material. 

7) To comply with the previous point, the webcam should be placed at sufficient distance during the test. Please adjust the webcam and table position before the exam to have an acceptable view frame.

8) During the test, students may be asked to rotate the webcam, or to connect to the meeting with a second device, in order to show the rest of the room and make sure no other person is in the room.

9) For the whole test duration, students need to keep the webcam and microphone open. Therefore it is recommended to choose a calm environment.

10) The test paper will be sent to the students through the Zoom's chat, or if this does not work, it will be sent by email.

11) It is not possible to use a tablet with pen to work on the test, only paper sheets.

12) The answers to the questions should be boxed indicating the question number (e.g. the answer to question Q2.3 should be boxed writing "Q2.3" next to it. It is possible, but not mandatory, to submit the written computations used to arrive at the answers. The grade of the written test will be based only on the boxed answers, while the additional computation, if any, will be used to discuss the result of the test with the instructors.

13) When the time is up, each student has 5 minutes to take scans (using cell phone apps like Camcanner) of the sheets with the answers and to send them by email to the addresses micheletti@ing.uniroma2.it, artioli@ing.uniroma2.it

14) Each scanned sheet should have written on it the student's first and last name, his/her ID number (numero di matricola), and his/her signature. All of these should be clearly readable in the scan. Scans not having these elements handwritten by the student will not be considered for evaluation. The scans should be sent in a single email. Students are recommended to practice these operations in advance at least once.

Please refer to my previous messages for the rest of the information about the exam.

Kind regards,
Andrea Micheletti