Jun 20

Bacheca » Call Of Jun 22nd, 2020

| Modificato il 18 Jun 2020, 10:42
NOTICE FOR THE HISTOLOGY AND ANATOMY/NEUROANATOMY CALL OF MAY 22nd-23rd. The histology exam of May 22nd 2020 will be a written test only. Students will be divided in groups to get access to the written test. The final exam of human anatomy can be taken ONLY from students that have pass the histology exam. The human anatomy and neuroanatomy exams can also be taken in separate calls. However, I remind you that all marks got in the current AY are valid only until the end of the AY 2019/2020, while marks obtained in AY 2018/2019 are valid only for this call. Both anatomy and neuroanatomy exams will be oral (no written test). The exam of anatomy/neuroanatomy will start on May 22nd and it lasts until May 23rd. Neuroanatomy will be taken with Prof. Sciamanna. Students that have pass the histology exam will get direct access to the neuroanatomy exam in the morning of May 22nd. The list of students follow below: 
Salimi Borojeni,
 Koram Nia,
 Liaskou Antoniou,

 If I miss anyone please write your name, matricola and AY to which you belong in the chat of Microsoft Teams and I will look for your marks. 

Again, remember that marks obtained in 2018/2019 are still valid ONLY for this call.