Jan 20

Bacheca » February Call Human Anatomy 4-2-2020

| Modificato il 17 Jan 2020, 16:11

students that wont to take the exam of human anatomy on the first call of February (04-02-2020) can now reserve for the test accessing with their username and password on Delphi Totem. Reservations are for students from the second year onward. The histology is a written test only, while the anatomy exam is a written and oral exam. Are admitted to the oral, only students with a minimum score of 18/30. The written test of histology will take place at the Faculty of Medicine in room Bovet at 2pm. The written test of anatomy will take place in the same room at 3pm. The oral exam of anatomy will take place on February 5th at 10am, room 1B6, Faculty of Medicine.


Students not admitted at the test of histology and anatomy exam during the A.Y. 2018/2019 are now allow to take the histology and anatomy test on the February call. Those who will NOT pass the full exam (histology+anatomy/neuroanatomy) will have to contact the teacher at the end of February to agree on how to recover attendance for the missing lessons of the past academic year. 

students are asked to come at the exam with their libretto and/or picture ID card. Those not presenting a valid photo ID won't be admitted.


Prof. Marco Barchi