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Internet Via Satellite 2019/2020
May 20Bacheca » Exams
Dear students,I just opened the reservation for the exams of the summer session (June18th, July 22nd).
As far as we know now, the exam will be done on line using Microsoft Teams platform. Should we be authorised in the meanwhile to do exams at university premises (as before the emergency) you will be informed. In such a case, should you be unable to come physically (you may have moved to your town or country due to Covid or should you not feel safe) you will be able to do the exam anyway on line following the guidelines issued by university.
Remember to deliver the homework on NS3 to prof. Zampognaro 10 days before the exam.
Remember to deliver the homework on NS3 to prof. Zampognaro 10 days before the exam.
Michele Luglio