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Gravitational Physics 2018/2019
Apr 19Bacheca » Next Lecture
Dear students,
Peron has told me that his part of the class is over. This Friday I have a
commitment out of Rome, thus the next lesson will be on Monday 15th April. One
last thing: I cannot be at the University on Monday morning at 9:00 am, thus,
if it is ok for you all, I would propose to meet at 2 pm. Does it work for all?
Let me know.
Apr 19
Alessio Rocchi dice:
Dear all,after a short exchange of e-mails with one of you, I came to know that there are several of you following another class starting at 14:30. Thus, to avoid any conflict, we will meet at 16:30. I'll let you know the rooma on Monday morning.
Alessio Rocchi
Apr 19
Alessio Rocchi dice:
Dear all,unfortunately, due to an unexpected and unavoidable committment, I am forced to cancel our lecture tomorrow afternoon. Moreover, we are entering a long period of holidays (on Mondays and Fridays...) and if we stick to the normal calendar, our next lecture would be on Monday April 29th. For this reason, I'm asking if you have any availability on April 23rd or 24th at any time. Please, let me know, so I can look for a room.
Alessio Rocchi