May 18

Bacheca » Timetable Esperimenti Di Spettroscopia

Dear Students,

as conclusion of the courses of Quantum Optics (QO - 3 labs) and Spectroscopy (S - 6 labs)
(and for the student of Solid State Physics that expressly asked for a 3 CFU module 6 labs)
the timetable of the joint lab lesson are the following:

11.5.2018 at 14:30     Absorption and emission (use of spectrophotometer)   S
12.5.2018 at 9:30      Observation of speckles (simulation of light fluctuation)  S + QO

16.5.2018 at 14:30     Photon counter and photon statistics  S + QO
17.5.2018 at 14:30     Raman spectra of Silicon and Germanium  S
18.5.2018 at 14:30     Ellipsometry (measure of thickness and index of refraction of layers)  S

19.5.2018 at 9:30     Original experiment of diffraction (Young) S + QO

The Young experiment requires a sunny day and has to be done at morning so that we plan it for saturday 19.5 (assuming that 12.5 will be cloudy). 

M. Casalboni  & F. De Matteis