Nov 17

Bacheca » Syllabus (program) Of Human Anatomy For Pharmacy.

Syllabus (program) Of Human Anatomy For Pharmacy.




Organization levels of human body. HISTOLOGY: Histology and method of study.

Preparation of tissues, light microscopy, electron microscopy, scanning microscopy,

fluorescent microscopy, confocal microscopy, bright field microscopy. Detection methods

using electrostatic staining specific interaction (immunofluorescence,

immunohystochemistry). EPITHELIA TISSUE: basal membrane and basal lamina (kidney

glomerule), intracellular adhesion and GAP junctions, microvilli, cilia, classification of

covering lining epithelia and their characteristics, skin, glandular epithelia (exocrine glands

and endocrine glands). CONNECTIVE TISSUE cells fibers and ground substance of the

connective tissue. Connective tissues: embryonic (Mesenchyme and mucous) Adult

(areolar, dense irregular, dense regular, specialized reticular and adipose). Adipose tissue

white and brown. Cartilage (Hyaline, Elastic, Fibrocartilage). Bone: osteoblast osteocytes,

osteoclasts, bone matrix, periostium and endostium. Type of bone (primary, compact

lamellar and spongy bone). Ossification (intramembranous and endochondral) bone

growth and remodelling, metabolic role of the bone, joints growth and structure. NERVE

TISSUE neurons (property and structure), membrane potential, synaptic communication,

glial cells. BLOOD functions, composition physical characteristics, plasma and serum, notes

on hematopoiesis, red blood cellsblood group systems, granulocytes, lymphocytes,

monocytes (structure and general function in the immune response), platlets. Lymph and

lymph nodes. MUSCLE TISSUE skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle.

SKELETON general organization of the axial and appendicular skeleton, joints structure

and classification, movements. SKELETON MUSCLES generality, major muscles of the

shoulder girdle, trunk. Respiratory muscles.



Neuroanatomy, Cardiovascular System and Splanchnology:

Knowledge of the essential morphological characteristics of the the Nervous System, of the Cardiovascular Apparatus and of the visceral organs, including digestive, urinary, reproductive, respiratory and endocrine systems (Splanchnology). The studies of these systems will include the cellular and functional level, using both a systematic and a regional (i.e.topographic, radiological, surgical) approach for the study of these essential elements of the human body. The student will learn the most important informations about Neuroanatomy, Cardiovascular System and Splanchnology that deal with the examination of the patient, the understanding of clinical symptoms, and the rational approach to medical therapy. The students will also acquire the knowledge of how the structural organization of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive and endocrine Systems is achieved in the course of human embryonic development.

N.B.: tarting from the Academic year 2017-2018, all the lectures will be performed by Dr. MARCO BARCHI, e-mail: marco.barchi@uniroma2.it