Jun 17

Bacheca » Exact Time Schedule For The Informatic Tests On Histology-locomotor And Of Neurocardiosplanchnology Of The Summer Session 2016-2017 (june 23rd 2017)

The informatic tests will be held on june 23rd in the informatic room of the medical school (room 1B1) with the following time schedule:

9.15 A.M. first turn of the test of neurocardiosplanchnology (booking numbers from 1 to 48)

10.15 A.M. second turn of the test of neurocardiosplanchnology (booking numbers from 49 onward and people who failed to book).

11.15 A.M. single turn of the test of histology-locomotor (for all people who booked and people who failed to book).

(Iif necessary, an additional turn for histology-locomotor will be held at 12.15 A.M.)