Jan 18

Bacheca » Exclusions Of Topics For A.y. 2017-2018

| Modificato il 22 Jan 2018, 10:20 All the topics present in the slides distributed will be included in the exams for the current academic year, EXCEPT:

- slides block 4, Statistical Inference part II (study of associations), Explanation why Covariance measures the linear association, and the calculation of (the numerator of) covariance = 2nd slide page 15, page 16

- slides block 5, Complements, pages 13-14.

Notice that there is additional material for preparing the exam:

- a new block of solved exercises for the analysis of EVENTS. Exclude exercises from 3 to 7. Look at exercises 1 and 2 for a key concept. Practice on exercises 8-15

- a new list of questions regarding the other "Complements" i.e. clinical trials methodology and laboratory measurements