Mar 16

Bacheca » Esercitazione 2

| Modificato il 22 Mar 2016, 15:12 Giovedì 31 marzo discuteremo in aula le soluzioni di fattibilità tecnica che avrete trovato per il seguente brief (istanze promotore evento) e successive domande di chiarimento (definizione istanze implicite evento).
In particolare dovete:
  • proporre almeno 2 hotel in cui l'evento richiesto sia tecnicamente fattibile e che spannometricamente possano rispettare il limite di budget a disposizione del Cliente
  • proporre almeno 1 ipotesi di venue per la cena di gala (sempre che stia nel budget proposto)
  • indicare quali siano a vostro avviso le principali criticità tecnico/organizzative dell'evento.

Di seguito il brief ed i relativi chiarimenti (domande in grassetto):


3-to-4 day meeting for 80-90 staff of international Non-Governmental Organizations in Rome the week of June 6, 2016.

We are looking for an event planner based in Rome who can help us plan the meeting effectively – our team is based in Seattle, WA in the U.S.


We have not yet confirmed a venue, and would look to this event planner for guidance on securing the best venue. Here are our requirements:


·         meeting space for 80 to 100 participants, in a room large enough to accommodate all at round tables

·         ample side space for 2-4 breakout sessions of 20-40 ppl in each.

·         breakfasts and lunches for three days, reception on one evening, and dinner on one evening

·         room block with preferred rate for guests, estimated 40-50 rooms, with the option for more rooms if needed by our guests

·         the costs of the rooms must be within the U.S. Government’s “per diem” for Rome as detailed by the State Department


We would like cost estimates for the following:


·         Rates for single, double and staff rooms, separately

·         Any rates for the use of the main conference room and break out rooms

·         Rates for A/V ( projector, laptop, 3 flipcharts per room with easels, pens, water, etc) for both main room and breakout rooms. Please give rates separately.

·         Rates for breakfast

·         Rates for lunch (with options)

·         Rates for afternoon coffee break

·         Any rates for wifi

·         Rates for welcome reception -- food and beverage

·         Rates for a seated dinner on one night


...... , I would need to have some clarifications:

·         Anytime in the week of 6 June 2016? The event will start in the morning with guests arriving the night before or can start in the afternoon with guests arriving in the morning? (US flights usually land in Rome in the morning) Our current thinking is that we will start the training on the morning of June 7th, giving participants time to arrive to Rome on Monday. Participants will be traveling from all over the globe. We are also considering hosting a brief welcome reception on the evening of Monday, June 6th as a way to kick-start the event. In sum, the full training would be:

o   Monday, June 6th – evening reception

o   Tuesday, June 7th to Thursday, June 9th – Training program

o   Friday, June 10th – participants travel home

·         How many working days? Full working days would be thee – June 7 - 9

·         Room block for how many nights? I think we would need the room block for Monday June 6th – Friday, June 10th in order to accommodate those traveling internationally.

·         80-100 people in round tables fully or partially occupied to be able to see a speaker at flipchart or video projection? Yes, I think round tables would be best for this group. There will be a combination of speakers and group work at the tables, so I think it would be fine for them to be fully occupied.

·         Breakout rooms: 2 for 40 people or 4 for 20 people? Our needs may change, but for now it would be great to price out 4 breakout rooms for 20-25 people.

·         Welcome reception and seated dinner at the same location where meeting takes place? These would be different nights and ideally different venues. The welcome reception would be Monday, June 6th and the seated dinner would be the evening of Tuesday, June 7th. We are open to discussing the style of dinner (buffet or plated). I think it would be nice if these are two different locations. Perhaps the welcome reception could be at the hotel if they could accommodate.

·         All catering services are for 80-100 people? Yes, we would need to provide the following meals/catering

o   Monday, June 6th – welcome recpetion

o   Tuesday, June 7th – breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, dinner

o   Wednesday, June 8th – breakfast and lunch, coffee breaks

o   Thursday, June 9th – breakfast and lunch, coffee breaks

·         Any further information that would help us to prepare a tailor-made proposal. If there are additional costs for A/V (Projectors, flip charts with easels, etc).
Also, we are primarily looking for someone who can help coordinate all these logistics on the ground. Our team will be managing all the content of the training, but will need assistance managing and coordinating the logistics.