Nov 14

Bacheca » Workshop Di Presentazione Della Piattaforma Cloud Ibm Bluemix

La presentazone dovrebbe svolgersi indicativamente secondo il seguente calendario:
 mart 9 (dalle 9:30) e giov 11 dicembre (dalle 15:30)
mart 16 (dalle 9:30) e giov 18 dicembre (dalle 15:30).

Il formato della presentazione sarà come workshop "hands on", mirato a far provare un ambiente reale e mostrare come creare un intero stack di sviluppo e deployment in poche ore. Una possible estensione del workshop è un hackton di sviluppo.

Scaletta tentativa degli argomenti:
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Bluemix Overview and Dashboard

Lab A – Build and Deploy an App
This lab introduces different ways of creating and deploying BlueMix applications and illustrates some of the different types of applications that can be run in BlueMix

Bluemix Architecture and DevOps Services Overview

Lab B - Node.js app with Bluemix and Bluemix DevOps Services

Getting an instant read on the Twitter verse's reactions to an app, product launch, campaign, or current event would be enormously helpful

Registering Services in Bluemix and Cloud Foundry

Lab C - Build a Twitter Influencer Analyzer Application Using Bluemix
In this lab you'll learn how to create a Twitter analysis application that runs on IBM BlueMix and makes use of BlueMix services such as MongoDB and SQLDB

Lab D - Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) with Bluemix
Learn how to create an Android application that runs on IBM BlueMix and makes use of BlueMix services such as MAS (Mobile Application Management Service), Mobile Data Service and Push Notifications

Lab E - Build a BI application using Map Reduce Service.
This lab will guide you to understand and use the sample application that is provided for the BlueMix MapReduce Service. You will learn how to work with the BlueMix MapReduce cloud offering.

Lab F - JEE Cloud Trader
In this lab you'll learn how to create a Java EE benchmark application that runs on IBM BlueMix and makes use of the SQLDB BlueMix service

Lab G – Internet of Things
It's easy to build an application with Node-RED and use the data that you've published to the IBM Internet of Things cloud

Lab H – Node-RED and Social
In this example, we use Node-RED to receive tweets from your public twitter timeline and perform sentiment analysis.

Requisiti per una migliore riuscita del workshop:

Competenze teoriche e pratiche dei partecipanti

á       ÊCompetenze (pratiche e teoriche) sui linguaggi programmazione almeno JAVA, javascript

á       ÊCompetenze (quantomeno teoriche) sull’architettura web-based (i.e. Application Server)

á       ÊCompetenze (pratiche e teoriche) sulle gestione dati SQL

á       ÊRequisiti opzionali: conoscenze di J2EE, Node.js, NOSQL DB, Android.

Postazione di lavoro per lo studente

á       ÊPersonal computer con connettività ad Internet

á       ÊI seguenti tool di sviluppo dovranno essere istallati sul personal computer

o        Eclipse versione Kepler e plugin “IBM Eclipse Tools for Bluemix” installabile direttamente dall’Eclipse Marketplace

o        Eclipse ADT bundle scaricabile dal sito http://developer.android.com . In alternativa è possibile installare solo l’Android SDK e l’ADT plugin da installare nell’Eclipse Kepler sopracitato

o        Java JDK  1.7 (e’ necessario l’intero SDK non basta il JRE)

á       ÊOgni studente dovrà avere un account on-line per i seguenti servizi:

o        Bluemix:  https://bluemix.net

o        DevOps Svcs for Bluemix:  https://hub.jazz.net

o        Klout: http://developer.klout.com/member (register for a Klout developer key)

o        Twitter: http://developer.twitter.com (register for Twitter API keys more instructions can be found here)

o        Google: http://mail.google.com