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Lingua Inglese 2 Lm 2012/2013
Oct 13Bacheca » Mod.a - Homework For Weds 14 November
1. Please read the two pdf files, marked 5 and 6 in the Deposito files of prof. Heaney, Lingua Inglese 2 LLEM 2012-13. I have uploaded them there because I am having trouble loading pdf's in my own deposito file.2. Find a gossip episode in a novel of your choice; the episode should not be more than one page long; mark the beginning and end of the episode, scan the page as a pdf file and send it to before friday 8 november.
3. Analyse the episode in terms of function, structure and quality (good/bad, serious/not serious) and note down the difficulties you had in the analysis. Bring your notes to the class on wednesday 14.
4. Read the file on Much Ado About Nothing and answer the question.