May 13

Bacheca » Seminars 1+2 - What Have We Learned?

Congratulations to the first two groups. You did very well. It's difficult going first.

Here are one or two suggestions for the next seminars, based on what we saw today:

Things you should remember to do:

 - Arrange the tables as you want; everyone should be able to see and participate

- Number your transcripts and refer to the numbers when you are using them

- Stick to the time limit

- Work as a team – if you are doing three consecutive speakers (A, B, C), that’s OK, but when A is talking, B and C should get involved in the discussion

- Give clear, simple instructions

- Before showing a video you should ask a specific question which focuses on something you want students to notice.

- Direct the traffic – encourage shy people to talk; encourage debate

- When making your points, try to pick up and use what people have said during the discussion

- Humour is good

- A sense of summary or roundup at the end is good, using the contributions made by the participants – what have we/you learned today?


Things you should remember NOT to do

- Don’t point out what you want people to notice before showing a video – “I want you to notice x, y and z”

- Don’t ask pointless questions, e.g. “are you ready or not?”

- Don’t ask too many questions or give too many tasks at the same time; students can only do one thing at a time

- Don’t get obsessed with finishing what you have prepared; be flexible.