Feb 16

Bacheca » Eade Listening One: New Link For Assignment Part Two

New link for Assignment Two of Module ONE


The British Council has revised their site and so the link I gave you doens't seem to be working anymore. Use the site given below for Assignment Part Two


Assignment Part Two:  Listening


In Your Mind’s Eye:  Visualizing as you listen


Go to the following site:    https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/stories-poems


Choose one of the stories to listen to.  DO NOT READ the script as you listen.  This will not help your listening skills.  You may however want to do the exercises afterwards.


  1. As you listen, try to visualize what is being described. 


  1. Draw simple images of what you hear.


  1. Listen again and label the parts of your drawing with the words and expressions used.


  1. Be ready in the next in-class session to describe your drawings.