Jun 12

Bacheca » June Results

Your results wlll be online tomorrow evening (Monday 18). I have been asked to return the June verbali next Friday 22 so for those of you who booked in June and have passed all the exams, you can sign the verbale on Tuesday 19 or Thursday 21. Otherwise you will have to book again for July 3 and sign in July.


Jun 12

studente Giorgia Guerra dice:

I am sorry but I am not sure I have understood. I have done my oral exam in may, do I need to book it for july in order to come and sign my verbale? Thank you very much. Giorgia


Jun 12

studente Federico Melis dice:

Scusi ma non ho capito la data in cui potrò passare a verbalizzare. Grazie Cordiali saluti Federico


Jun 12

docente Hugo Thomas Bowles dice:

·     Verbalizzazione Giugno: Mart.19, ore 14-16; Giov. 21, ore 11-13

·     Verbalizzazione Luglio; Mart. 3, 14-16; Lun. 9, 11-13; Merc.11, 11-13, 14-16